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== Now to deploy the contract ==
== Now to deploy the contract ==
Truffle has a build in ganache server and the accounts are the same as ganache
Truffle has a build in ganache server and the accounts are the same as ganache
'''Start the development mode of truffle'''
'''Start the development mode of truffle'''

Revision as of 22:49, 13 March 2018

Setting up Truffle for your project

  1. go into your project Directory
truffle init

You need to create your smart contracts in the contracts folder Then you need to create a file int eh migrations folder to process your contract Filename: 2_deploy_contracts.js

var Greetings = artifacts.require("./Greetings.sol");
module.exports = function(deployer){

Now to deploy the contract

Truffle has a build in ganache server and the accounts are the same as ganache Start the development mode of truffle

truffle develop

Open a new terminal window to see the logs Go into the project directory

truffle develop --log

Now to build and deploy the contract switch back to the develop console

migrate --compile-all --reset

To interact with the contract, use the develop console


before we can call functions of our contract we have to create an instance of it and store it in a local variable

Greetings.deployed().then(function(instance){app = instance;})

It will returned undefined

app.setGreetings("Robert", {from: web3.eth.accounts[0]})

Exit the development console


Ctrl C to exit the log console

Setting up Truffle to interact with Ganache GUI

Edit the truffle.js file. add:

networks: {
ganache: {
 host: "localhost",
 port: "7545",
 netork_id: "*"

Go to the project directory in terminal. we have to tell truffle to migrate the contract to the ganache network

truffle migrate --compile-all --reset --network ganache

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