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Reset Lost password

First up, you need to reboot your computer while holding the Command and the R keys down. Hold your Mac’s power button down for about six seconds, and it will turn off. Wait a couple of seconds more, and then hold down Command-R on your keyboard while pressing the power button again to turn the machine on. Keep holding the Command-R combination until you see the little spinning circle just below the Apple logo on the boot up screen.

Once your Mac boots, you’ll see a window with various options. Use your mouse to select Terminal from the Utilities menu, and Terminal will launch. Type in


and you’ll get a dialog box that will let you do just that. Choose the user you want to change the password for, and type in the new password twice. Hit OK, close the reset password window, and reboot your Mac.

Show Hidden Files in finder

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder
To set it back (that .DS_Store on the Desktop is hella irritating), execute those same commands, but just switch that TRUE to FALSE

Useful OX 10 Shortcuts

Task Key Command
Open the Force Quit window Command-Option-Escape
Cycle through active applications in the Dock Command-Tab
Cancel operation Command-.
Open Mac Help Command-?
Go back in the finder view to the previous item Command-[
Go to folder Command-~
Select all Command-A
Hide Finders toolbar Command-B
Copy Command-C
Duplicate; creates a duplicate copy of a selected items. Command-D
Turn Dock hiding on/off Command-Option-D
Move item to trash Command-Delete
Empty Trash Shift-Option-Delete
Eject the selected disk image, CD, etc. Command-E
Find Command-F
Hide application Command-H
Show info Command-I
Show view options in the Finder. Command-J
Connect to Server Command-K
Make alias Command-L
Minimize window Command-M
Minimize all open windows for an application Command-Option-M
Open a new Finder window Command-N
Create a new folder Command-Shift-N
Open file or folder Command-O
Print file Command-P
Quit application Command-Q
Show original Command-R
Add to Favorites Command-T
Paste Command-V
Close window Command-W
Close all windows Command-Option-W
Cut Command-X
Redo Command-Shift-Z
Go to Applications view in the Finder Command-Option-A
Go to Computer view in the Finder Command-Option-C
Go to Favorites view in the Finder Command-Option-F
Go to Home view in the Finder Command-Option-H
Go to iDisk view in Finder Command-Option-I
Take a screenshot of the entire display Command-Shift-3
Make and capture a rectangular selection of the display Command-Shift-4