Ansible File Commands
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Copy File to remote servers
--- - name: copy file from local to remote hosts: all tasks: - name: copy file copy: src: ~/photo.jpg dest: ~/ owner: root group: root mode: 0777
Change Permission of file on remote server
--- - name: change permission on remote hosts: all tasks: - name: change permission file: path: ~/photo.jpg owner: root group: root mode: 0666
Run Shell Script on remote server
--- - name: run shell script hosts: all tasks: - name: run shell script shell: "~/"
Create a Cron Job
--- - name: Create a cron job hosts: server2 tasks: - name: scedule cron cron: name: job secudeled by ansible minute: "0" hour: "10" day: "*" month: "*" weekday: "4" user: root job: "~/"
Download Package from URL
--- - name: Download file from the internet hosts: all tasks: - name: create a directory to download the file file: path: ~/pdf state: directory mode: 0755 owner: robert group: robert - name: Download the file from the url get_url: dest: ~/pdf mode: 0755 group: robert owner: robert
Find and Kill Running Process
--- - name: find a process and kill it hosts: server1 tasks: - name: get running process from remote host ignore_errors: yes shell: "ps -few | grep top | awk '{print $2}'" register: running_process - name: Kill running processes ignore_errors: yes shell: "kill {{ item }}" with_items: "{{ running_process.stdout_lines }}"
Pick and choose steps
Start a playbook at a specific task