Database Queries
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Select Commands
SELECT * from tableName - SELECT all columns FROM the table
- SELECT column1, column2 FROM tableName
- SELECT 2 columns FROM the tableName table
- SELECT DISTINCT column FROM tableName
- will display only unique results (no duplicates)
- SELECT firstname || ' ' || lastname FROM tablename
- will concatenate first and last name into one field (the ' ' between the || inserts a space)
- SELECT fristname || ' ' || lastname "Customer Name" FROM table name
- this will add a alias for the column heading called Customer Name
- SELECT title AS "Title of Book", category FROM books;
- This adds the column alias "Title of Book" to the results instead of using just the title as the column heading
Select all tables owned by the user
select table_name FROM user_tables
that exact statement will list all tables
selecting column names, data type, and default values
select column_name, data_type, data_default from user_tab_columns where table_name = 'ACCTMANAGER'
Creating Calculated Fields in a Query
SELECT title, retail*cost as profit FROM books; retail column is multiplied by cost and the result is displayed in the alias field profit
Using Concatenation
SELECT firstname || lastname FROM customers; this will display the info but last and first names will be together eg. firstlast to add a space between the names : SELECT firstname || ' , ' | || lastname as "Customer Name" FROM customers; this will add the , between the names and give it an alias heading "Customer name"