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  • Download and install Miniconda:
curl -OL
    • You will be prompted several times during the installation process. Review the terms and conditions and select “yes” for each prompt.
  • Restart your shell session for the changes to your PATH to take effect.
exec bash -l
  • Create a new virtual environment for Ansible:
conda create -n ansible-dev python=3
  • Activate the new environment:
conda activate ansible-dev
  • Check your Python version:
python --version

Ubuntu 18.04

sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install ansible
  • Verify that Ansible is installed:
ansible --version

Configure Ansible

By default, Ansible’s configuration file location is /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg. In most cases, the default configurations are enough to get you started using Ansible. In this example, you will use Ansible’s default configurations.

  • To view a list of all current configs available to your control node, use the ansible-config command line utility.
ansible-config list

Create an Ansible Inventory

Ansible keeps track of its managed nodes using an inventory file located in /etc/ansible/hosts. In the inventory file, you can group your managed nodes and use these groups to target specific hosts that make up your infrastructure

  • Add your nodes to the default inventory file.

File: /etc/ansible/hosts

