Ubuntu OS

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Allow port 3306 to be accessible externally

edit the /etc/mysql/my.cnf # the bind address which is usurally

Installing Bittorrent Sync

sh -c 'echo "deb http://linux-packages.getsync.com/btsync/deb btsync non-free" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/btsync.list'
wget -qO - http://linux-packages.getsync.com/btsync/key.asc | sudo apt-key add - 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install btsync

Autostart Bitsync: add "Service btsync start" to the /etc/rc.local file

How to Use BT sync:

There’s already a few great tutorials about setting up Btsync in Ubuntu around the web. And below is a brief how-to:

First create a shared folder and set its permissions, here I created a folder shared_folder under the root of my current user:

cd && mkdir shared_folder

sudo chown YOUR_USER:btsync shared_folder

sudo chmod 2775 shared_folder

sudo usermod -a -G btsync YOUR_USER
Then start the btsync service:

sudo service btsync start
You may replace start with stop, enable, disable, or status to control Btsync.

Now go to localhost:8888 in your web browser and add the previous created folder:

Finally share the link, key, or QRcode with your friends and enjoy!