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Move Wordpress to a new server
- Export the database.
- Create a blank database in phpmyadmin with the same name
- Import the database into the database you just created
- Copy the entire folder over from the old installation to the new server
- Check the wp-config.php file make sure everything is ok
If you change the URL then you have to update the database also
- Log into phpmyadmin
- click sql
- make sure you change the table to the proper name
UPDATE bd_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, 'http://www.oldurl.com', 'http://www.newurl.com') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';
UPDATE bd_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, 'http://www.oldurl.com', 'http://www.newurl.com');
UPDATE bd_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value,'http://www.oldurl.com','http://www.newurl.com');
UPDATE bd_usermeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value, 'http://www.oldurl.com', 'http://www.newurl.com');
UPDATE bd_links SET link_url = replace(link_url, 'http://www.oldurl.com','http://www.newurl.com');
UPDATE bd_comments SET comment_content = replace(comment_content , 'http://www.oldurl.com','http://www.newurl.com');
If you have images linked in your posts then you need to run the following additional queries.
'For images inside posts
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, 'Existing URL', 'New URL');
For images linked in old link manager
UPDATE wp_links SET link_image = replace(link_image, 'Existing URL','New URL');
For images linked as attachments
UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, 'Existing URL','New URL');