Python Copying File and Directories

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Rename Files: example1

from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path import os

    1. This script will rename files and move them into another folder

our_files = Path("C:\\Users\\bacchas\Desktop\youtubedl\\test")

for file in our_files.iterdir():

   if file.suffix != '.cdg' and file.is_file: #make sure its a file and not a directory
       directory = file.parent
       extension = file.suffix
       old_name = file.stem
       artist, title = old_name.split('-')
       artist = artist[4:].lstrip()
       new_name = f'{artist}-{title}{extension}'
       newpath_name = 'kmp3files'
       # will create a new path 
       new_path = our_files.joinpath(newpath_name)
       if not new_path.exists():
       new_file_path = new_path.joinpath(new_name)
      # print(new_name)

Copying a single file

import shutil

src_path = r"C:/Users/jim/Dropbox/Filing Cabinet/Karaoke Stuff/newsongscode.txt"
dst_path = r"C:/Users/jim/Dropbox/All Folders/websites/msites/rb222/newsongscode.txt"
shutil.copy(src_path, dst_path)

Copy all files from a directory

import os
import shutil

source_folder = r"E:\demos\files\reports\\"
destination_folder = r"E:\demos\files\account\\"

# fetch all files
for file_name in os.listdir(source_folder):
   # construct full file path
   source = source_folder + file_name
   destination = destination_folder + file_name
   # copy only files
   if os.path.isfile(source):
       shutil.copy(source, destination)
       print('copied', file_name)

Copy Entire Directory

import shutil

source_dir = r"E:\demos\files\reports"
destination_dir = r"E:\demos\files\account"
shutil.copytree(source_dir, destination_dir)