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Load the handlebar.js from handlebarjs.com


    <script id="content" type="text/x-hanglebars-template">
    <div id="licontent">
        <ul> </ul>

    <div id="loop">


    <script id="lcontent" type="text/x-hanglebars-template">
        {{#each theImages}}
        <p> <img src="images/{{this.image}}" alt="{{this.id}}" /> </p>

    <script src="usinghandle.js"></script>

Javascript Code

 var data = {
     name: "Robert",
     date: "totay",
     comment: "This is a comment"

 var content = {
     theImages: [{
             id: 1,
             image: "002.jpg",
             headline: "Classic Strap (Single Wood Door Kit)",
             textcontent: "as either me with all o"

             id: 2,
             image: "003.jpg",
             headline: "The BrownStone",
             textcontent: "Easily install  Available "
         }, {
             id: 3,
             image: "004.jpg",
             headline: "The loft",
             textcontent: "the hardware nare availabl"
         }, {
             id: 4,
             image: "005.jpg",
             headline: "The Townhouse",
             textcontent: "an a Stainless "


 var source = $("#content").html();
 var template = Handlebars.compile(source);

 var lsource = $("#lcontent").html();
 var ltemplate = Handlebars.compile(lsource);
 var compiledhtml = ltemplate(content);

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