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Serialization Language


Key Value Pairs

  • "microservice" becomes an object with directives under it.
  app: user-auth
  port: 9000
  version: 1.7

Create a List

 microservice: #list name
  - app: user-auth #items of the list
    port: 9000
    version: 1.7
    deployed: true #boolean value
  - app: shopping-cart
    port: 9002
      - 1.9
      - 2.0
      - 2.1
#can be written as 
     version: [1.9, 2.0, 2.1]

Multiline String

miltilineString: |
  this is a multiline string
  and this is the next line
  next line

Single line string, use the ">"

  • written on multiple lines, but will display as a single line
singleLineString: >
  this is a line
  another line
  yet another line, but it will be displayed on a single line because of the >