How to Split an Excel File into multiple sheets or multiple files
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#!/usr/bin/env python import pandas as pd import os from openpyxl import load_workbook import xlsxwriter from shutil import copyfile file = input('File Path: ') extension = os.path.splitext(file)[1] filename = os.path.splitext(file)[0] pth = os.path.dirname(file) newfile = os.path.join(pth,filename+'_2'+extension) df=pd.read_excel(file) colpick = input('Select Column: ') cols = list(set(df[colpick].values)) def sendtofile(cols): for i in cols: df[df[colpick] == i].to_excel("{}/{}.xlsx".format(pth, i), sheet_name=i, index=False) print('\nCompleted') print('Thanks for unsing this program') return def sendtosheet(cols): copyfile(file, newfile) for j in cols: writer = pd.ExcelWriter(newfile, engine='openpyxl') for myname in cols: mydf = df.loc[df[colpick]==myname] mydf.to_excel(writer, sheet_name=myname, index=False) print('\nCompleted') print('Thanks for using this program') return print('Your data will be split based on these values {} and create {} files or sheets based on the next selection, if you are ready to proceed please type "Y" and hit enter . hit "n" to exit'.format(', '.join(cols),len(cols))) while True: x=input('Ready to proceed (Y/N): ').lower() if x == 'y': while True: s = input('Split into different Sheets or file (S/F): ').lower() if s == 'f': sendtofile(cols) break elif s == 's': sendtosheet(cols) break else: continue break elif xx == 'n': print('\nThanks for using this program') break