Insert Command

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Adds new rows to a table, can include subquery to copy rows from an existing table

INSERT INTO accountmanager
VALUES ('T500', 'NICK', 'TAYLOR', '05-SEP-09', 4200, 3500, 'NE');
 Insert With column Names Null values at the end.

INSERT INTO acctmanager(amid, amfirst, amlast, amedate, amsal, acomm)
VALUES ('T500', 'NICK', 'TAYLOR', '05-SEP-09', 4200, 3500, );
INSERT INTO acctmanager(amid, amfirst, amlast, amedate, amsal, acomm)
VALUES ('T500', 'NICK', 'TAYLOR', '05-SEP-09', 4200, 3500, NULL);

Use System date as an entry

insert into acctmanager(amid, amfirst, amlast, amedate, amsal, amcoMm, region)
values ('R500', 'ROBERT', 'JONES', SYSDATE, 50000, 1000, 'NW')

Add Virtual Column

ALTER TABLE acctmanager
ADD (amearn AS (amsal + amcomm));

Add name with an apostrophe - Use two single quotes

insert into acctmanager(amid, amfirst, amlast, amedate, amsal, amcoMm, region)
values ('R500', 'ROBERT', 'OHARA', SYSDATE, 50000, 1000, 'NW')

Inserting data from an existing table using a subquery

INSERT INTO acctbonus (amid, amsal, region)
SELECT amid, amsal, region
FROM acctmanager;

Insert Multiple Records at the same time

 INSERT INTO b_lenders
 VALUES ('TD','TD Bank');
 INSERT INTO b_lenders
 VALUES ('CB','Columbia Bank');
 INSERT INTO b_lenders
 VALUES ('BF','Bergen Foundation');
 INSERT INTO b_lenders
 VALUES ('FD','Federal Government');
 INSERT INTO b_lenders
 VALUES ('NJ','State of NJ');

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