Sublime Text

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Sublime Text Shortcuts

Ctrl + TAB - Switch between two most recent tabs

Mac - Cmd ] - indent / Cmd [ - decrease indent

Win - ctrl ] / ctrl [

Ctrl + M - Jump between Curly Braces }

File > New View into File - will open a file a 2nd time so you can edit one section while looking at a different section of the same file.

Command + i /Ctrl i - Find and jump to a searched word

cmd + opt+f / ctrl +h - Find and Replace

cmd+shift+f / ctrl+shift+f - Find and replace in multiple files

Cmd+p / Ctrl+p - Brings up a search box, start with a @ symbol will show you ids is a file, :50 will take you to line 50 #rc will do a fuzzy search

cmd+shifp+p / ctrl+shift+p - List of commands available.

a few Examples:

html,tab will input the structure of an html doc. lorem, tab will insert garbage text

hold cmd+click or drag / hold ctrl+click or drag Manual Multiple selections

shift+ctrl+ ↑ or ↓ / ctrl+alt+ ↑ or ↓ make multiple selections with arrow keys (MAC: Mission control system shortcuts will have to be disabled for this to work )

cmd+d / ctrl+d - Matches selected word. if you want to skip a selected selection cmd+k /ctrl+k and cmd+u / ctrl+u to go back

ctrl + spacebar - envoke auto complete

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