Insert Command

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Adds new rows to a table, can include subquery to copy rows from an existing table

INSERT INTO accountmanager
VALUES ('T500', 'NICK', 'TAYLOR', '05-SEP-09', 4200, 3500, 'NE');
 Insert With column Names 
Null values at the end.
INSERT INTO acctmanager(amid, amfirst, amlast, amedate, amsal, acomm)
VALUES ('T500', 'NICK', 'TAYLOR', '05-SEP-09', 4200, 3500, );
INSERT INTO acctmanager(amid, amfirst, amlast, amedate, amsal, acomm)
VALUES ('T500', 'NICK', 'TAYLOR', '05-SEP-09', 4200, 3500, NULL);

Use System date as an entry

insert into acctmanager(amid, amfirst, amlast, amedate, amsal, amcoMm, region)
values ('R500', 'ROBERT', 'JONES', SYSDATE, 50000, 1000, 'NW')